The use of the photographs of Lothar Wolleh, the "Apollo 12" Sphere, was kindly authorised by Dr Oliver Wolleh ( Lothar Wolleh Foundation ).

The object is currently being restored and will be presented here soon..

Danilo Silvestrin’s seating object, consisting of two foldable hemispheres, can be closed and locked into one sphere. The cushions are fastened with press studs and weighted down with lead inserted at the bottom.

"Apollo 12 für den Hausgebrauch", in: Der Stern, No. 29, 20 July 1969, pp. 68-74 - Schöner Wohnen, 8/70, pp. 64/65 (Silvestrin’s flat) - Kontraste. Dortmunder Kameraskizzen von Horst Thielbeer, 1969 - Design Made in Germany, Cologne 2000, pp. 76/77, Fig. 67- G. Siekmann, "zum mond gestartet, im wohnzimmer gelandet. einflüsse der weltraumforschung auf das design von alltagsobjekten und möbeln in den sechziger jahren", in: Vergangene Zukunft. Design zwischen Utopie und Wissenschaft, Vienna 2001, pp. 30-34, Fig. 3


© Photos Lothar Wolleh

1969, for Gunther Lambert, two acrylic glass hemispheres, metal hinges, foam cushion covered with metal-coated fabric, diameter (closed) approx. 110 cm.

Here are a few impressions of the found condition of the "Apollo 12"....

After about 25 years in an abandoned warehouse, we were able to save this piece of design history.